Birth Doula Services & Pricing

Black Friday/Cyber Monday doula discounts!
Book your consult now!

greensboro doulasComfort and Caring for You and Your Partner

Whether you’re a first time mom or you’ve done this before, giving birth is a life changing experience. Piedmont Doulas will be there to guide you through your birth experience, from early labor until the birth of your baby! Piedmont Doulas will provide you with the personal support you deserve to help you achieve your ideal birth experience. At the hospital, your medical team will come in and out of your room providing care to you and many other patients. During labor you deserve a professional who is there just for you. Your Piedmont Doula will stay by your side holding your hand; coaching you through relaxation techniques and helping you find comfort as you welcome your little one into the world.

Prenatal Planning Sessions

Piedmont Doulas provides you with in home prenatal sessions, where we learn your preferences for labor, and how you envision your birth. We help you write a birth plan, get to know you and your partner, and allow you to feel comfortable with us. We can help answer questions you may have from your childbirth education course, or help you find a childbirth educator that would fit your needs. You want to know positions and techniques for comfort during your labor, and maybe what the hospital experience is like. We can help with all of that! Your doula will make sure you have the information you need to feel confident in your choices and nurtured, both before and during your labor.

Birth Day!

During your labor, you can choose to have us meet you at your home and later follow you to your place of birth, or go straight to the hospital or birth center. We can help you with many of those questions that pop up during early labor, and give suggestions on how to stay comfortable as your labor progresses. During labor, we are there to help your partner help you, reminding you both of information and techniques learned and practiced earlier. You want a home like environment at the hospital? We can help with that! Need a relaxing hand or head massage? Our clients rave about our in labor massage abilities. Need to chat, laugh and be distracted? We can do that too. We make sure your partner is taken care of too, ensuring that they eat, rest, and have all the coffee they need. Your Piedmont Doula will support you both!

Postpartum Support

We stay on call for you 24/7 after your birth for one week.  By doing so, we are able to answer questions you may have about breastfeeding or other postpartum issues, discuss your birth, give you referrals to other professionals in the community if you need them, and even help you out when you are crying, the baby is crying, and you don’t know what to do.  In addition, we have a wealth of local resources for the Winston-Salem, Greensboro and High Point areas that we can share with you.

Non-Judgmental Support and Assistance

Real People: Sleeping Baby Boy African American Head ShouldersYou want to remember this day in a most wonderful way, and we are happy to provide you and your partner with non-judgmental support, helping you in whatever type of birth you envision for yourself.

  • Having a natural birth? We can help prepare you prenatally for an un-medicated labor and offer competent hands on support during your birth.
  • piedmontdoulababyPreparing for a water birth? Let us help you prepare the supplies you will need, and other questions you may have about water birth. You will want to find comfortable positions for labor in the soothing, warm water, and we will assist you, while playing your favorite birth music mix in the background.
  • Wanting to use medical pain relief in your labor? We fully support your choices! We will help you labor, working to bring you comfort until you receive medication. We continue to stay with you, aiding you and your partner with the rest of your labor and birth.
  • piedmontbabydoulaHaving a planned cesarean? Let us help calm your anxieties and assist you in preparing a birth plan that focuses on your experience. We can meet you before your surgery, helping you and your partner with relaxation so that you feel calm and supported. In some cases, we may even be able to join you during surgery, depending on your care provider and hospital protocol. After your baby is born, we then join you again to help establish breastfeeding, settle you in to your postpartum room, grab lunch or dinner for your partner, or stay with you while they eat or run outside to joyously call all of your friends and family and tell them your adorable baby has arrived!

Ready to Connect?

Black Friday/Cyber Monday discounts available through Dec. 5, 2022








Basic Birth Doula Package

 $999  $899

  • Phone and email support – We are available to answer your questions or discuss your concerns before your birth. Making sure you have the information you need when you need it is very important to us.
  • One prenatal visit in your home or virtual visits – We will discuss your thoughts and feelings about birth, assist you in creating a birth plan and practice relaxation techniques to use during labor.(90 minutes)
  • One Zoom check in with the Piedmont Doulas team-We will answer any last minute questions, and make sure you have met the fabulous doulas on our team (30 minutes)
  • Labor and birth support -We are on call for you 24/7.   Our job is to meet your needs during labor.  We will join you in labor whenever you are ready. After your baby is born, we stay for 1-2 hours, and assist you with breastfeeding, answering questions, getting you settled in and taking that all important first family photo.  Our basic package includes up to 18 hours of in person birth support, and unlimited phone/text/virtual support during the early parts of labor.  We don’t leave you if things are longer than expected!  If you need additional hours, it’s only $10/hr.  This enables us to come to you at any point, not just active labor.
  • Two weeks on call post birth– Got a new baby question?  A postpartum question?  Give us a call and we will try to help!  We remain on call for you one week after your birth, to help answer questions, or to assist with referrals to other professionals in the community.
  • Membership to MomMentous-We love this group and we think you will too!  We have our own private virtual group (and soon to be back in person group) for our clients.  Make new friends, build community, receive peer to peer support, ask questions, and thrive in our small, private group.  Facilitated by Becky Hale, birth and postpartum doula, so you can still receive support and information long after birth!  Clients say this community has made an incredible difference in their lives! 
  • Add on our comprehensive (and incredibly fun) childbirth education series for only $75 if desired!

Bonus Birth Package

(Most popular birth package)

$1200 $1050

All of the services covered in the Basic Package PLUS…

  • Comprehensive childbirth education-Our childbirth class series, called “Childbirth With A Twist”, will get you and your partner prepared and confident for labor and birth!  This four part series is taught virtually, is interactive, comes with tons of handouts and according to past clients and students, a ton of laughs and fun!
  • A second prenatal visit- Another 90 minute in home or virtual visit, where we can go more in depth with your fears or concerns, practice comfort techniques, help you prepare your nursery and baby care supplies, assist with birth/hospital bag preparation, etc.  This second prenatal visit is designed and personalized just for you.
  • Unlimited in person labor support –We join you in active labor (don’t worry, you’ll learn all about that in class!) and remain with you until your baby is here.  We are able to labor with you at home, and then follow you to the hospital or birth center, or meet you directly at your birthing location.

doulas winston salem

 greensboro doulasBasic Birth and Postpartum Package

 $1500 $1300

Basic Birth Package – All of the services covered in the Basic Package PLUS…

  • Postpartum Doula Support-Includes 16 hours of in home postpartum doula care at a reduced rate, after the birth of your baby.  You can use these hours for daytime or overnight care!

Bonus Birth and Postpartum Package 

$2500 $2250

Bonus Birth Package – All of the services covered in the Bonus Package PLUS…


The very fine nice print:  New clients only, extra mileage fees may apply, subject to due date availability, contract and retainer must be received by Dec. 5th, 2022.

Payment plans are available for any of the birth doula packages and for postpartum doula packages


Interested in postpartum doula services only, or our overnight/night nanny doula support?

SAVE 10% off all postpartum packages over 20 hours now through Dec. 5th!  Read about our postpartum doula services, and our always popular night doula care!

New clients only, must sign contract and pay retainer fee by Dec. 5th, 2022.