Laboring in water can be a tremendous help to some laboring moms.  Many midwives call it an “aquadural”, and for good reason!  One of the things I love is hearing the great big “AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” the first time she steps into the warm water!  There is also something so peaceful, so quiet, so hushed about a water labor or water birth.  It’s as if the pool of water just brings with it a calm to the birth place.

Did you know you can use a birth pool for labor or birth right here in the Triad area?  Women’s Hospital in Greensboro, NC and Natural Beginnings Birth Center in Statesville, NC both have water birth available.  Not everyone should have a water birth, so if you are interested, it’s important to ask your care provider if you would be a good candidate for water birth.  Alternatively, some women choose to use the birth pool only during their labor, and then give birth “on land”.  Most of the time, it is midwives that attend water births, but sometimes obstetricians attend water births too!  Ask your doctor or midwife if they attend water births or water labors.

You can also find more information at Waterbirth International, and at Evidence Based Birth

Interested in birth doula support for your water birth?  Contact us!  We’d be happy to schedule a free consultation with you!

Because pictures really do speak a thousand words, here are some photos from water births we’ve attended as doulas. Pictures are from Women’s Hospital in Greensboro, North Carolina and Natural Beginnings Birth Center in Statesville, North Carolina. All photos used with permission.
water birth greensboro nc


birth doulas greensboro nc

Look at that eye contact between mom and baby!

birth doulas statesville nc

The water can be so calming during labor

water birth statesville NC

What a joyous moment!

birth doulas greensboro nc

Love and support

water birth greensboro nc water birth greensboro nc birth doulas greensboro nc

Did you have a water birth, or use water during you labor?  Did it help you?  Are you currently pregnant and planning a water birth or water labor?